Climate Action Campaign Statement on Inexplicable SCOTUS Decision on Chevron Deference

June 28th, 2024

Washington, DC Today, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) handed down an unprecedented and ill conceived decision to strike down the widely accepted Chevron Deference precedent, which gave deference to experts at EPA and other agencies when standards that protect the public are disputed by self interested plaintiffs. Going forward,  judges with no scientific expertise or knowledge will be able to more easily overturn environmental, climate, and health protections that industry finds inconvenient. Margie Alt, Director of the Climate Action Campaign, issued the following statement:

“Fossil fuel energy companies were just granted their greatest wish by the right-wing majority on the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). By eliminating the widely and long accepted Chevron deference precedent that put trust in experts and scientists on how to protect the public, the court now handed down a decision that calls for ignoring experts.  This decision is among the most politically motivated, anti-science, and publicly detrimental decisions in the Court’s history.  The Court’s Right Wing majority has successfully dumbed down the process by which the federal government determines how Americans should be protected and makes it easier for the courts to strike down protections that keep Americans safe. Federal standards should be judged by whether they keep the greatest number of Americans safe. We applaud our colleagues who are fighting this decision and stand ready to assist.”


About CAC

Climate Action Campaign (CAC) is a vibrant coalition of advocacy organizations working together to drive ambitious, durable federal action to cut carbon pollution, address the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and accelerate the transition to clean energy. Our goal is to reduce carbon pollution and accelerate the transition to clean energy through policies focused on climate, justice, and jobs and expanding opportunity for all.

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