January 16, 2025
Dear Congressional Leaders,
As leaders in our communities working to address the climate crisis, we are deeply concerned about attacks on protections to our climate, clean air and water. Because of the pro-climate provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the suite of standards and executive actions set forward by the Biden administration, the United States’ climate goals are now within reach. Now, on the brink of a new administration and Congress, we write to express adamant opposition to any effort to roll back this progress.
Rolling back climate progress would be a disaster for the health and safety of our communities, the strength of our economy, and the stability of our environment, with disproportionate impacts on frontline communities over-burdened by pollution. In 2024 alone we experienced the hottest summer on record as well as multiple devastating hurricanes, including Hurricane Helene that killed over 200 people and caused over an estimated $200 billion in damages, among other climate change-driven disasters such as wildfires and flooding. As the human, financial, and infrastructure costs of increasingly intense and frequent extreme weather, fueled by the climate crisis, continue to rise, we cannot go back.
As both Democrats and Republicans have publicly claimed, climate and clean energy policies have been a key driver of recent economic growth and benefits. Over the past several years, federal climate initiatives created over 330,000 new clean energy jobs across the U.S., helped consumers lower their energy bills, and through the Justice40 Initiative and other programs, invested in frontline communities that have experienced environmental injustice – all while cutting dangerous pollution fueling extreme weather events. This significant climate progress has put our goal of 50-52% climate pollution reduction by 2030 within reach. Efforts to undermine these popular policies would not just jeopardize our climate goals, exacerbate pollution burdens in frontline communities, and worsen public health, they would stymie clean energy innovation and potentially reverse recent economic and job growth.
There is more work to be done to protect people across the U.S. from extreme weather and climate pollution, while continuing to build a strong and equitable clean energy economy – and we cannot reverse course. We are committed to standing strong for climate and using our voices and platforms to safeguard climate progress.
We will remain vigilant in our defense of federal climate actions that address the climate crisis, accelerate a clean energy economy, and advance environmental justice.
Abbie Hawes, Heat Pump Manager, Ethos Green Power Cooperative
Dr. Abby Kinchy, Professor of Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Abby Novinska-Lois, Executive Director, Healthy Climate Wisconsin
Dr. Adeline Soldin, Professor of French and Francophone Studies, Dickinson College
Dr. Alan Fryar, Professor, University of Kentucky
Alan Greenglass, MD, Mid-Atlantic Alliance for Climate and Health
Dr. Alan Peterson, MD
Alex Kosmider, Outreach Coordinator, Water Wise Youth Community
Alexandre Little, City Manager, Director of Community and Economic Development, City of Benton Harbor
Alexis Monti, Climate Resiliency Specialist
Dr. Alice Mulder, Associate professor of Geography
Dr. Alison Anastasio, Urban Ecologist, University of Chicago
Alison Freas, Executive, The SOURCE
Alondra Morales Sanchez, Climate Justice Coordinator, AZ AANHPI For Equity
Amaad Hardy, Board member of the West Michigan Environmental Action Agency (WMEAC)
Amy Huser, Sustainability and Outdoor Education Director, Camp Friedenswald
Dr. Andrea Dutton, Professor of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr. Andrea Mah, Social Psychology, Oregon State University
Andres Hernandez, Organizer, Roosevelt Park Neighborhood Association
Andrew Butts, Executive Director, Green Neighbor Challenge
Andrew Queenan, Director of Sustainability, Architect, Pure Architects
Aneeka Bippus, President of Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy’s Environmental Coalition, Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy’s Environmental Coalition
Dr. Ankush Bansal, President, FL Chapter American College of Physicians
Dr. Ann Behrmann, Steering Committee, Wisconsin Environmental Health Network, MD
Dr. Ann Harvey, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Ann Tuite, Co-Chair, LiveBuchanan
Annabelle Wilkinson, Interim Chief Sustainability Officer (MURP), The City of Grand Rapids
Dr. Anne Armstrong, PhD in Natural Resources in the Environment; Assistant Professor in Human Geography, Worcester State University
Dr. Anne Axel, Academic, Marshall University
Dr. Anne Sparks
Dr. Anne Yoshino, MD
Anya Fetcher, Federal Policy Advocate, Natural Resources Council of Maine
Dr. Arthur Sanders, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of Arizona
Ashley Hines, Executive Director, Benton Harbor Community Development Corporation
Dr. Ashley Lindell, MD
Balvir Singh, County Commissioner, Burlington County, NJ
Dr. Barbara Brandom, retired MD, Professor of Pediatric Anesthesiology
Dr. Barbara Erny, MD, Stanford
Barbara Fleck, Professor of Engineering, Maine Maritime Academy
Dr. Barbara Warren, MD, MPH, Physicians for Social Responsibility, AZ Chapter
Behzad Zandieh, Faith Leader, Harrisburg Baha’i Assembly
Benjamin Collings, Fmr. Legislator
Benjamin Newton, Environmental Sustainability Director
Dr. Benjamin Sovacool, Professor of Earth and Environment, Boston University
Bob Rothrock, Board Member, Keep Sedona Beautiful
Boyd Morson, City Councilman, City of Brooklyn Park
Dr. Brian Drummond, Emergency Physician, MD, FAAEM, Co-Founder of Arizona Health Professionals for Climate Action,
Dr. Brian Obach, Professor of Environmental Sociology, United University Professions
Briana Guerrero , MAcro Social Worker, Poder Latinx
Bridget Clark Whitney, CEO, Kids’ Food Basket
Brittany Goode, Operations Manager, Aldea Coffee
Britton Schwartz, Environmental Justice Attorney, Santa Clara Law
Dr. Bruce Hlodnicki, MD
Bruce Krawisz, MD, Marshfield Health Clinic
Bruce Wallace, Board Member, Michigan League of Conservation Voters
Cameron Sasai, Vice Mayor, Pinole
Carla Iansiti, Sustainability Officer, Michigan State University
Carly Thibodeau, Director of Sustainability, LEED Green Associate, College of the Holy Cross
Carol Murphy, Assemblywoman, Majority Whip, New Jersey Legislature
Carola Carassa, Executive Director, FitKids360
Carolee Flaten, RN
Dr. Caryl Waggett, Chair, Global Health Studies, Allegheny College
Dr. Cathey Falvo, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Chance Cutrano, Town Council Member, Town of Fairfax
Dr. Charles Gunnoe, Aquinas College
Charlotte Alexandre, RN-retired,
Cheri Holman, Executive Director, Michigan Green Building Collaborative
Chris DiGiulio, Environmental Chemist, Physicians for Social Responsibility PA
Chris Ungar, School Trustee, San Luis Coastal USD
Dr. Christopher Bailey, MD, Pacific Medical Centers
Christopher Gilfillan, Political Director, Living United for Change in Arizona
Dr. Christopher Jensen, Pratt Institute
Christy Haas-Howard, RN
Dr. Claire Gervais, MD, Wisconsin Environmental Health Network
Dr. Clara Fang, PhD in Environmental Studies, Green Tara Consulting
Dr. Clare Hinrichs, Professor Emerita of Rural Sociology, Penn State University
Clare Walderman, School Nurse, KCCA
Cobi Frongillo, Town Councilor, Town of Franklin, Massachusetts
Commissioner James Moreno, Isabella County Commissioner, Isabella County
Connie Hardy Tabet, MSN, RN, CPAN, CAPA, FASPAN
Corey Woods, Mayor, City of Tempe
Dr. Corina McKendry, Professor of Political Science and Environmental Studies
Corri Sandwick, AIA LEED-AP, Corri Sandwick Architecture
Cory Mason, Mayor, City of Racine
Cristina Tzintzun, President, NextGen America
Dale Bryan, Chair, Sustainable Plymouth
Damaris Potter, Climate Action Planner, Michigan Healthy Climate Corps, Grand Valley Metro Council
Damon Wagner-Fields, Faith Leader, Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren
Dana Lowell, Founder, Lilypad Labs INC.
Daniel Cocce, Director, Project Management and Strategic Operations
Dr. Daniel Druckenbrod, Professor, Rider University
Daniel Ramos, Vice Mayor, Adelanto
Daniel Schoonmaker, Executive Director, Michigan Sustainable Business Forum
Daniel Taber, Stormwater Manager, City of Grand Rapids
Danika Hill-Paulus, Co-Executive Director, MKE FreshAir Collective
Dr. Dave Lamie, Professor of Agricultural and Rural Development, Clemson University
Dr. David Bezanson
David Bulkowski, Executive Director, MA, JD, Disability Advocates of Kent County
David Bunte, Supervisor – Chikaming Township, Government
David Gard, Executive Director, Michigan Energy Efficiency Contractors Association
David Heayn, Councilman, Lewisburg City Council
David Husemoller, Executive Director, Illinois Green Economy Network
David LaGrand, Mayor, City of Grand Rapids
Dr. David Sacks
Dr. David Wampler, MD Family Physician, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Dr. David Webb, MD
David Yocca, Fellow, American Society of Landscape Architecture
Dean Muller, President, Wisconsin for Environmental Justice
Dr. Debbie Kasper, Professor of Environmental Studies, Hiram College
Debbie Sarinana, New Mexico State Representative, State of New Mexico
Debora Fudge, Former City Councillor, Town of Windsor
Dr. Debra Rowe, President, US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Debra Smit, Director of Communications, Breathe Project
Delia Chandler, Executive Director, Let Us R.E.S.T. (Respect Each Other and Stand Together)
Dr. Dennis Pocekay, MD, MPH, Occupational & Environmental Medicine, City of Petaluma
Donald Harland, RN
Dr. Donna Kashian, Director of Environmental Science and Director of the United Nations Regional Center of Expertise on Sustainable Education and Development, Wayne State University
Dr. Donya Sartor, Mayor, City of Jonesboro
Dorothy Chien, RN
Doug Farquhar, Director, J.D., National Environmental Health Association
Douglas Wood, Board Chair, Muskegon County Environmental Coordinating Council
Dr. Eban Goodstein, Director, Graduate Programs in Sustainability, Bard College
Edward Aguilar, Esq., Pennsylvania Director, Coalition for Peace Action
Dr. Edward Thornton
Dr. Eftitan Akam, MD, Boston University School of Medicine
Eileen Frazier, RN
Dr. Elise DeCamp, Visiting Assistant Professor, Anthropology at Albion College
Dr. Elizabeth Card, Past President American Society PeriAnesthesia Nurses
Dr. Elizabeth McCann, Faculty & Director, Antioch University New England
Elizabeth Sherwood, RN, MS, ANP, Elizabeth Sherwood Consulting
Dr. Ellen Mallory
Dr. Emily Diamond, Assistant Professor, University of Rhode Island
Emma Tyano, FNP
Emmanuel Estrada, Mayor, Baldwin Park
Eric Christianson, Solar Sales Manager, Ethos Green Power Cooperative
Dr. Eric Krieg, SUNY – Buffalo State
Eric Shake, Facilities Manager – U.S. Sites, GHSP, Inc
Ericka Copeland, State Director, Sierra Club Ohio
Erika Strassburger, Pittsburgh City Council Member
Erin Crawley-Woods, Professor, Dickinson College
Dr. Erin Heinz, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Institute for Global Sustainability, Boston University
Dr. Eve Gordon, MD, PSR
Dr. Eve Shapiro, MD, MPH
Dr. Fabrice Smieliauskas, Academic Health Economist, Wayne State University
Farrah Grant, Geography Lecturer, M.A., University of Nebraska Omaha
- Flavio Bravo, State Senator, Legislative District 26
Gabriella Rodriguez, Executive Director, QLatinx
Gary Friedmann, Representative, Maine State House
Dr. Genevieve Silva, MD, MBA
Dr. George Henry, American Psychiatric Association
Glenn Olcerst, Founder, Rail Pollution Protection Pittsburgh (RP3)
Dr. Gregory Leach, MD
Dr. Greta Larsen, MD
Dr. Gretchen Rumohr, College Administrator, Aquinas College
Hannah Fox, MPH, Sixteenth Stree Community Health
Dr. Harry McDermott, MD, Professor, University of Arizona
Hazel Chandler, State Chair, Field Organizer, Elders Climate Action – Arizona, Moms Clean Air Force
Dr. Heather Sullivan, Professor, Trinity University
Dr. Heide Coppotelli
Helga Stokes, Faith Leader, Pittsburgh Baha’i Community
Dr. Hideko Tamura, retired chair of NPO, One Sunny Day Initiatives
Hilary Buchanan, Executive Director, Venango County Regional Planning Commission
Hon Felesia Martin, Milwaukee County Board Supervisor D7, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors
Hon. Howard Watts, Assemblymember, Nevada Legislature
Hon. Monica Sparks, Kent County Commissioner Madison Spellman, RN, BSN, Marion County Public Health
Honorable Barry Beck, Assessor, County of Mono, California
Honorable Matthew Miller, Legislator, Albany County Legislature
Honorable Rebecca McWilliams, NH State Representative, NH House of Representatives
Honorable Tara Zrinski, County Controller, Northampton County
Igor Tregub, Councilmember, City of Berkeley
Dr. Irene Felsman, DNP, MPH, RN, Duke University School of Nursing
Dr. Irini Daskalaki, MD, Princeton University
Jackie de Batista, Executive Director, Farmers Rising
Dr. Jacqueline Brayman, Executive Director, Ed.D., North End Wellness Coalition
Dr. James Haynes
Dr. James Tashjian, MD, Medical Doctor
Dr. James Viney
James Wilson, CEO & Co-Founder, reUser
Janay Brower, CEO, Public Thread
Dr. Jane Wolfson, Towson University
Janet Johnson, Co-Chair, Richmond Shoreline Alliance
Dr. Janet Maker
Dr. Janet Perlman, MD, MPH
Janet Zahn, Co-Chair, Grand Rapids Climate Coalition
Jared Seifert, Owner, Design Declassified
Dr. Jay Jones, Professor Emeritus of Biology and Biochemistry, University of La Verne
Dr. Jean Boucher, Environmental Sociologist, The James Hutton Institute
Jeannie Sowers, Professor, University of New Hampshire
Jeff Norton, Vice President, VGrid Energy Systems
Jen Chandler, Director, Elders Climate Action
Jennie Rosenn, Rabbi
Dr. Jennifer Bratburd, Union of Concerned Scientists
Jennifer Mizrahi, Founder, Mizrahi Family Charitable Fund
Jenny Hoople, Owner, Bountiful Beloit
Dr. Jenny Pompilio, MD, MPH
Jeremiah Brockman, President, Wisconsin Electric Vehicle Assn. , Electric Vehicle Association
Dr. Jerry Hokanson
Jess Conard, Appalachia Director, East Palestine, Ohio resident, M.A. CCC-SLP
Jess Loding, Director of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Schupan & Sons Inc.
Jessica Bueno, Board President, Phoenix Elementary School District #1
Jill Aquino, RN, NYU Medical School
Jim Roberts, President, CEO, Jim Roberts Enterprises LLC
Joan Farber, Health professional Ph.D
JoAnna Mendoza, Co-Executive Director, VetsForward
Dr. John Dinger, MD
John Kefalas, County Commissioner, Larimer County
Dr. John Kinch, Executive Director, Michigan Energy Options
Dr. John MacDougall
Dr. John Mull, Professional Ecologist, Weber State University
John Ukenye, Senior Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives, Sustainable Pittsburgh
Dr. Jonathan Gorman, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Loyola University Maryland
Dr. Jorden Hayes, Associate Professor of Geosciences, Dickinson College
Jose Reyna, Executive Director, GreenHome Institute
Dr. Joseph McCabe, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility
Dr. Joyce Follingstad
Juan Muñoz-Guevara, Council Member, City of Lynwood, City of Lynwood
Juanita Henry, Commissioner, Benton Harbor City
Judith Humble, Conservation Chair, Sierra Club
Judith Lienhard, RN
Julia Brown, Faith Leader, St. Solomon’s UCC
Dr. Julie Becker
Dr. Julie Jacobson Vann, MS, RN
Julio Guity-Guevara, Managing Director, SUDECC, Inc
Dr. Justin Klassen, Professor of Theology & Religious Studies
Justin Massey, City Councilmember, City of Hermosa Beach
Kaleem Shabazz, Council Vice President, Atlantic City
Kambria Beck Holder, MD
Dr. Karen Milstein
Kari Bliss, Principal Sustainability, PADNOS
Karin Hemmingsen, MD,
Dr. Karla Armbruster
Dr. Katherine Crowe, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Physicians for Social Responsibility, PA
Dr. Kathleen Nolan, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility – New York
Dr. Kathleen Welch, Environmental Health Professor
Dr. Kathryn Bourgoin, MD, Maine Medical Association
Kathryn Chung, RN
Kathy Hart, RN retired
Kathy Lochner, RRT
Katie Muth, State Senator, Pennsylvania General Assembly
Kayla Snyder, EMIT, LFA, U.S. Green Building Council West Michigan
Kelly DeMarco, Health Professional, Healthy Climate Wisconsin
Ken Zebarah, Director of Commercial Sales, NABCEP Certified Solar PV Technical Sales Professional, Harvest Solar
Kendra Schneider, Founder, CEO, Takeout Takeout
Dr. Kenneth Allen, Constable, Marion City
Dr. Kenneth Lichtenstein, MD
Dr. Kirsten Warner, Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, Assistant Professor, Rush University
Dr. Kjersten Gmeiner, MD, Seattle Chapter of the National Organization for Women
Dr. Klein Klein, D.O.
Kody Gerkin, Founder, Tierra Local
Kyle Crider, Program and Policy Director, The People’s Justice Council
La Vaida Owens-White, Faith Community Nurse, MSN, Delaware Region Health Ministries Network
LaTricea Adams, CEO & President, Young, Gifted & Green
Dr. Laura Hartman, College Professor, Roanoke College
Dr. Laura Henry-Stone, Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences and Sustainability, University of Lynchburg
Dr. Laura Long, MD
Laurel Hardin, Chairperson, Earth Justice Ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix
Dr. Lauren Cagle, Associate Professor of Writing, Director of Environmental and Sustainability Studies, Director, University of Kentucky; Kentucky Climate Consortium
Lauren Mariolis, Coastal Resilience Program Specialist,
Lauren Pattenaude, Co-Chair, Founders
Lea Harper, Managing Director, FreshWater Accountability Project
Lee Berry, Development Director, Michigan League of Conservation Voters
Leeman Kessler, Mayor, Village of Gambier
Dr. Leslie Duram
Linda Stenholm, Chair, VUU – Environmental Action Team
Liz Kirkwood, Executive Director, For Love of Water
Dr. Liz Kraus, PharmD
Dr. Liza DeGenring, Extension Field Specialist, University of New Hampshire
Loraine Mccosker, RN, BSN, MS
Dr. Lori Kumler, Ph.D., Natural Resources and Environment, Denison University
Dr. Lorna Wounded Head, Financial Counselor and Educator, Change the Chamber – Lobby for Climate
Lorraine Farina, Founding Member, Hudson Valley Air Quality Coalition
Dr. Lucille Pilling, RN, EdD
Luis Chen, Owner, Wormies Compost
Dr. Lynn Shoemaker
Madelynn Wuestenberg, Agricultural Climatologist
Malissa McAlister, Water Quality Scientist
Dr. Manuel Vallee
Dr. Marcus Carson, Associate Professor of Sociology, Stockholm Environment Institute
Dr. Marek Makowski, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Dr. Margaret Ray, Pediatrician
Maria Rua, RN, Retired
Mario Fernandez, Councilmember, City of Eureka
Mark Fitzpatrick, Environmental Consultant, ECO & EE LLC
Dr. Mark Megalos, Working Land Trust
Dr. Martin Miller, Commissioner, West Norriton Township
Mary Freeman, CEO, Lean & Green Michigan
Dr. Mary Scott, MD
MaryAlice Adams, Founder, President & CEO, Project NEED Foundation
Matthew Mehalik, Executive Director, Breathe Project
Dr. Maureen McCue, MD, Board President of Iowa Physicians for Social Responsibility,
MD Dave Fenner, MD, FAAP
Dr. Meghan Frost, MD, MPH, FAAP
Melanie Bagby, Councilmember, City of Cloverdale
Dr. Melissa Kreye, Associate Professor of Forest Resources Management, Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Mha Atma S Khalsa, MD
Dr. Michael Briscoe, Colorado State University-Pueblo
Dr. Michael Haedicke, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Maine
Dr. Michael Martin, MD, University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Michael Marx, English Professor, Past Environmental Studies Director, Skidmore College
Dr. Michael Swanson, Theatre professional, retired professor (Ph.D., MFA)
Dr. Mike Bryson, Professor of Sustainability Studies, Roosevelt University
Mike Mayou, Duluth City Councilor District 2
Mike Rogers, State Delegate, Maryland General Assembly
Milinda Ysasi, City Commissioner, City of Grand Rapids
Dr. Mona Sarfaty, MD, Founder, Medical Consortium on Climate and Health,
Dr. Monica Snowden, Wayne State College
Monica Sparks, Kent County Commissioner District 12, Kent County Commissioner
Dr. Nancy Brannon
Nancy Chernett, Retired Health Professional. MA, Lower Merion Township Sustainability Ambassador
Nancy Fleming, RN
Nancy Gutierrez, Assistant Democratic Minority Leader, AZ House of Representatives
Nancy Metayer Bowen, Vice Mayor, The City of Coral Springs
Dr. Nancy Rich
Nathan deVries, Project Developer & Consultant, Deken Technologies
Nathan Dombeck, Physician Assistant, MercyHealth
Dr. Ned Ketyer, President, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Dr. Neil Leary, Associate Provost, Natural Resource Economics, Dickinson College
Dr. Nestor Machare Delgado, MD, Marshfield Health Clinic
Dr. Nicolaus Hawbaker, MD, Flagstaff Emergency Physicians
Nile Bunger, Climate Justice Director, AZ AANHPI For Equity
Dr. Ninian Stein, Professor, M.ESci, MA, Tufts University
Paloma Greenwald, RN, BSN, PAZ Impact
Pam Ramirez, RN
Pamela Fendt, President, Milwaukee Area Labor Council
Parker Condit, Small Business Owner
Pastor Kevin Long, Faith Leader, Intertwined Faith Community
Patricia Nolan, City Councillor and Chair, Health & Environment Committee, Cambridge MA City Council
Dr. Patricia Townsend, Environmental Scientist, Washington State University
Dr. Paul Manganiello, MD, Good Neighbor Health Clinic
Paul McCullough, Chair Food and Agriculture Team, Sierra Club
Paul Sletten, MD, ThedaCare
Dr. Paula Buchanan, ScD, MPH, MBA, CPH, Columbia Climate School
Dr. Peggy Ann Berry, COHN-S, FAAOHN, Between the Waters
Peggy Chaikin, Trustee, Keep Sedona Beautiful
Dr. Peggy Slota, Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University
Pete DeBoer, Director of Donor Relations, board member of Heart of the Lakes, Muskegon Rotary environmental & sustainability co-chair, Community Foundation for Muskegon County
Peter De Gregorio, Leader, Climate Reality, Monterey Chapter
Peter Ford, Vice President, Evening Star Joinery
Phil Carter, Business Director, Partridge Creek Compost
Dr. Philip Heinegg, MD, Larchmont Family Medicine
Dr. Philip Stoddard, Special Envoy for Climate and Sustainability, City of South Miami
Phoebe Shin Venkat, Councilmember Elect, Foster City
Dr. Phyllis Blumberg, Jewish Earth Alliance- PA
Dr. Pouné Saberi, MD, MPH, Physicians for Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Dr. Pouné Saberi, MD, MPH, PSR PA
President Elizabeth McNicholas, McNicholas Architects
Professor Andrew Szasz, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
Rachel Barnhart, County Legislator, Monroe County
Dr. Ralph Myer, MD, SeaMar Community Health Clinics
Dr. Rani Gereige, Health Professional, Public Health Professional, (MD, MPH), Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
Raylon Raylon Leaks-May, Mayor, City of Ferndale
Renae Hesselink, Vice President of Sustainability
Representative Ingrid Burnett, State Representative
Representative Oscar De Los Santos, House Democratic Leader, Arizona House of Representatives
Representative Patty Contreras, AZ State Representative, AZ House of Representatives
Rev. Ambrose Carroll, Founder, Green The Church
Rev. Emily Carroll, Pastor, Asbury UMC/St. Matthew UMC
Rev. Erin Morey, Faith Leader, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Rev. Paul Metzloff, Reverend, Reformation Lutheran Church
Rev. Sandra Strauss, Reverend, Pennsylvania Council of Churches
Rev. Sonya Lars, Clergy- MPA, M.DIV, MBA, United Methodist Church
Reverend Nick Utphall
Dr. Rhonda Davis, Director of Interdisciplinary Studies, PhD in Environmental Studies, Northern Kentucky University
Richard Dinon, Attorney, Dinnon Law PLLC
Dr. Richard Gillum, MD, Howard University
Dr. Richard S. Feldman, Chair of the Department of Environmental Science & Policy, Marist University
Dr. Richard Schloss
Dr. Rita Babra
Dr. Robert Gould, President, San Francisco Bay Physicians for Social Responsibility
Dr. Robert Hamm, University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
Dr. Robert Little, MD
Robin Wilt, Councilmember, Town of Brighton
Dr. Rodger Cooley, Executive Director, Chicago Food Policy Action Council
Roger Cargill, president, FinitePhoenix LLC
Dr. Ronald Faas
Rose Spickler, Director of Education and Engagement, Michigan Sustainable Business Forum
Dr. Rosemarie Jeffery, MD
Roslyn Ogburn, Partnership Coordinator, Michigan League of Conservation Voter
Dr. Roslynn McCann, Sustainable Communities Extension Specialist
Dr. Ruth Ryave, MD
Ryan Gott, Faith Leader, Sisters of St. Joseph of Baden
Dr. Sabine von Mering, Professor, Brandeis University
Sally Ann Gonzales, Senator, Arizona State Senate
Sam Bennett, CEO, SwellMinded
Dr. Sandra DeBella Bodley
Dr. Sara Via, Biology Professor, University of Maryland, College Park
Sarah Bucic, MSN, RN
Sarah Hill, Energy Transition Specialist, U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Sarah Kaplan, MSN, RN
Sarah King, Chair, Cherishing Creation Collaborative, Arizona Faith Network, Arizona Faith Network
Scott Simmons, Lead, Climate Reality Project Northern Colorado Chapter
Senator David Watters, Legislator, New Hampshire Senate
Senator Mimi Stewart, Senate President Pro Tem, NM State Senate
Senator Priya Sundareshan, AZ Senate Minority Leader, Arizona Senate
Sergio Cira-Reyes, Climate Justice Catalyst and Head of Climate Justice Team at the Urban Core Collective, Urban Core Collective
Dr. Shamili Ajgaonkar, Professor of Biology, College of DuPage
Dr. Sharon Paltin, MD
Sharonda Allen, Executive Director, Operation Grow Inc.
Dr. Sheila Modi, MD
Shelly Gordon, State Director, Arizonans for Community Choice
Dr. Sherwood Johnson
Sierra Kos, Leader, Extreme Weather Survivors
Sister Helene Cook, Faith Leader, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sister Joyce Bell, Faith Leader, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sister Pat Lupo, Benedictine Sisters of Erie
Dr. Sommer Aldulaimi, Professor, Physician, Co-Director of Global Health Programs, University of Arizona College of Medicine
Stacy Bare, Executive Director, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks
Stacy DeVeau, Youth Education Program Coordinator, Arizona Cooperative Extension
State Senator Carolyn Comitta, Minority Chair of PA Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee, Senate of Pennsylvania
State Senator Jen Day, State Senator, Nebraska Legislature
Dr. Stella Capek, Elbert L. Fausett Emerita Distinguished Professor of Sociology,
Stephanie Katsaros, Founder & President of Bright Beat, President of Chicago Sustainability Task Force
Stephanie Loredo, Governing Board Member, Culver City Unified School District
Dr. Stephanie Maximous, Pulmonary and critical care medicine physician and clinician educator, MD
Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, AZ State Representative, LD 21, Arizona Legislature
Dr. Stephen Gasteyer, Associate Professor of Sociology, Michigan State University
Dr. Steve Bertman, Professor of Environment, Geography, and Sustainability; Chair, Climate Change Working Group, Western Michigan University
Steve Miller, Co-chair, UUCMC Climate Action Team
Steve Mulder, Vice President Solar Faithful, Solar Faithful
Dr. Steven Ashmead, MD
Dr. Suaan Diaz
Sudhanshu Jain, City Councilmember, City of Santa Clara
Dr. Susan Caplow
Dr. Susan Lessin, MD
Dr. Susan Racine, MD, Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility
Dr. Susan Shopland, Psychologist
Dr. Susanne Moser, Ph.D., Research Faculty, Antioch University New England
Dr. Suzanne Leveille, Professor Emeritus, Epidemiologist
Dr. Sylvie Brouder, Professor, Purdue University
The Honorable TJ Cawley, Mayor, Morrisville, North Carolina
Dr. Thelma Herlich
Dr. Theodore Chase Jr, former Councilman, Franklin Township, Somerset County
Dr. Thom Wilch, Professor in Geosciences, Director of Higher Ed Sustainability Program, Climate Scientist and Educator
Thomas J Newhouse, Principal, Thomas J Newhouse-Design LLC
Dr. Thomas Kovacs, Professor of Meteorology, Eastern Michigan University
Thomas Morrow, RN
Dr. Thomas Schlesinger
Dr. Thomas Wassmer, Professor of Biology, Siena Heights University
Tim Mathern, Senator, North Dakota Senate
Dr. Timothy Fagan, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of Arizona
Dr. Timothy Schacht
Dr. Todd M. La Porte, Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University
Tom Hartzell, Program Director, Sustainability Coordinator, Calvin University
Tricia Canonico, City Council Member, City of Fort Collins
Tricia Gerrodette, Chair, San Pedro 100
Valerie Amor, MPA, ESP, CPHD, CC-P, LFI, LEED AP BD&C, Lic. RE Broker, Assoc. AIA, Drawing Conclusions LLC
Dr. Valerie Bengal, MD, FAAFP
Vanessa Long, RN, Michigan Association of School Nurses
Dr. Vernon Dixon, MD, American Medical Association
Vianey Olivarria, Executive Director, Chispa Arizona
Dr. Victoria Gillet, MD
Dr. Virgene Link-New, D.D.S.
Dr. Walter Tsou, MD
Wendy Berg, Events & Membership Manager, LEED Green Associate, U.S. Green Building Council of West Michigan
William Gallmeyer, President, Green Projects Group
Dr. William Katzin, MD
William Reinhardt, Honorable, Albany County Legislature
Dr. Yaniv Aronson, Mayor, Borough of Conshohocken, PA
Dr. Yoko Kusunose, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Change the Chamber – Lobby for Climate
Dr. Yumiko Jakobcic